
I call myself a Gym Fashionista. I have way more fun shopping for gym clothes than for regular clothes. Is that weird? I can’t be the only one, right? I take way too much pride in matching and getting my outfits together. And recently I purged a lot of clothes out. These were pieces that…

Updated Gym Makeup

Makeup routines change over time, and it’s no surprise my gym makeup has evolved over time. I now get to work two days a week from home. On those days I don’t wear any makeup. Of course my skin routine will always take place, but I am bared face all day. I DO NOT want…

ELF Active

There are some days you don’t want to look like hell at the gym. But wearing makeup seems like a silly idea. I mean you are going to sweat it out anyway. Granted that has never stopped me from l wearing said makeup. Sue me, I don’t want to scare people. Plus it makes me…

Tarte Gym Bag Grabs

Walking into Sephora is dangerous for my pocket, but it also fills me with tons of happiness. Oh the things you can find! On this trip to makeup heaven, I came across the Tarte Gym Bag Grabs. I swear I heard a choir of angels sing when I saw the box. This was like nirvana…

November Photo Challenge: Day 7

DAY SEVEN: On the floor. Hi y’all! I’m home in bed since I am not feeling all that great. Out of nowhere, my throat started bothering me yesterday and as much as I tried to fight it, it set it. Oh well. Its not the end of the world. Any who, my photo challenge for…