Charity Water: Dee’s Birthday Wish

Charity Water

Happy Fri-yay! My birthday is just a few weeks away and I have one birthday wish. No, it’s not gifts. I am a very blessed girl, and there’s nothing I need (except more gym clothes since I murder mine). I want to see the world have running water. Over 4,100 children die daily over water related disease and even if it’s one person that we help, it’ll be a better use of our time right?

So I am asking you guys, pretty please won’t you donate to my Charity Water: Dee’s Birthday Wish campaign?

Here’s what Charity: Water is doing and why raising money towards this non-profit organization is so important to me:

My amazing friends have stepped up and offered to hosts events to help me raise money. It’s combining two of my passions together: working out and charity.

  • First, our resident foodie, Ange, is going to host a Bootcamp on November 14th at 1:00 pm EST in Cranford, NJ. Here is the Facebook Invitation. If you’re from the area, and want to join, reach out to me at
  • Second, we are working on a Zumbathon for later on this month. It’ll be instructed by the amazing Glory, and the third leg of our tripod, Denise. More information to come on that.

If you can’t join, please donate? Even if it’s $1 USD, anything is whole heartily appreciate it and it’ll make a difference in someone’s life.

Chairty Water Bday Wish

Thank you so much for your time today!
