Uncontrollable Temptations by Janine Infante Bosco

By Janine Infante Bosco

  • Series: Tempted Series Book #3
  • Genre: Romance, MC, You Will Be Addicted
  • Published: February 6, 2016
Jack “Bulldog” Parrish

Crazy: Mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way. I was thirteen when I discovered the definition of the word I’d forever be labeled. Some used it as a figure of speech but for me it was a scar I’d carry through life. Or so I believed until I was diagnosed a manic depressive.

I’m the president of the Satan’s Knights Motorcycle Club, a man of power and control. A man with enemies near and far. But the truth, my truth, is my biggest enemy— my mind and I live most of my life with no control whatsoever. I’m just a man who battles his demons, a man destined to live a life full of darkness.

Until her.

She’s the light beckoning me, calling me home, away from the torment.

In a world as dark as the one I live in, sometimes I can’t help but crave Sunshine.

Reina DeCarlo

I was lost, broken and a prisoner of my scars. A shell of the woman I used to be, who didn’t know the difference between living and merely existing. Until a stranger found me, fixed and freed me. He breathed life into my soul, reminding me I was a survivor and still had life to live.

My savior is a biker.

A man tortured by his own scars. A man broken like me, maybe even a little lost too. I want to be his remedy. I want to heal him. I want to return the favor and be his savior.

This is our story, a story neither of us knew how to write until we found each other.


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I don’t know where to start. Ever have a book take over your life? If you say Twilight, we can’t be friends.

No, I am talking about the kind of book that stomps all over your soul and takes you on a massive roller-coaster ride of emotions? Well this is what Uncontrollable Temptations by Janine Infante Bosco did to me.

Glass Case Of Emotions

This is book three of the Tempted Series. The first two books are mainly mafia. So Janine’s advised me to skip those and go straight to the Motorcycle Club books. So I did.

Let it be known, the way Janine writes, you could read her books in any order. They are true stand alones. You won’t miss a thing. But you know, it’s always better reading them in order. Just my advice.

By opening this book, you will become Property of Parrish. Parrish? Yes, Jack “Bulldog” Parrish – President of Satan’s Knights MC. He is what I always envisioned the president of an MC to be; Badass. Insane. A true outlaw, and leader. You know, my new husband!

Like all men in his position, he has darkness that surrounds him. But Jack in particular, was a manic-depressive. He controls his episodes with medication. And sadly, there are a lot of people out there that live life the same way. Whether it’s depression, bipolar, ADHD, and tons more, people depend on medication just to have a normal day. Kudos to Janine for not being afraid of tackling serious subjects!

But in the darkness, sometimes a ray of sunshine comes through to save the day. Even if that sunlight is weak and slowly fading, it still shines against the dark. And that’s exactly what Reina was. She is someone going through the motions but is not living. She’s been broken. She’s been burned. Yet she is still standing moving forward without motive or purpose. Reina wasn’t looking for a knight, hell she wasn’t even living. She was just surviving the life she was dealt. It took one look at the “wrong” guy, to feel alive.

These are two completely broken people. They are just a mess. They make no sense being together. I mean, two wrongs don’t make a right?… Right? But some how in the space time continuum, they are exactly what the other needed.

And this is where I leave you. You know me, I don’t give anything away. If I were to discuss more, I’d be giving things away and we can’t have that. So if you love MC books, pick this one up. Read it. And then message me so we could cry, freak out, and fangirl together.

From the first paragraph in the prologue, this book kept me on the edge of my seat. It’s not a fluffy romance story with an MC tossed in. No-no-no. There is a ton of violence, foul language, guns, drug use, tortured souls, even an asshole mafia guy with gold teeth. This book feels so authentic, that it makes you wonder if Janine is an old lady herself?? Old Lady: A woman that’s stolen the heart of a club member. Not that she is actually old. However, mature women are in fact included.

So, if you don’t like the things listed above, then don’t read it. You’ll hate it. But if you love chaos, mayhem, motorcycles, bad boys, true love, and family, then rush to your kindle and get this book right now.

Janine is such a gifted author. It’s crazy to think that I’ve heard her say she wasn’t meant to be a writer, because in my eyes, she was born to be one.

There is no need for me to tell you this, but I will. I give Uncontrollable Temptations by Janine Infante Bosco 5 Nerd Glasses out of 5! You will ugly cry, you’ll get pissed, you’ll be afraid, you’ll laugh, and you’ll fall in love. You’ll go through every damn emotion from the movie Inside Out!

Oh, before I go, the diner Jack and Reina meet at, it’s called Dee’s Diner. I mean Janine, who is this Dee? Me right? Where’s her story? I am totally batting my lashes at you.

I have already read book 4 and started book 5. I can not discuss these books without ugly crying so I will leave that for another review.

Want more from Janine and the Tempted Series? Make sure you follow her on her part of the web:


Uncontrollable Temptations 3

BUT WAIT! There’s more…


Before I go, I wanted to invite you to Tempted and Tantalizing 2018. A super fun indie book signing put together by none other than Janine herself.

Tons of authors, models, photographers, bloggers, and readers in one place. This year its October 13th in Staten Island, NY.

There aren’t that many tickets left so if you want to come on over and get to know some of the best people in the indie book world, get your tickets right now!

And #TNTNYC19 was already announced. Mark your calendars for September 21, 2019. It’s going to be epic!

Hope to see you there. If not, make sure you follow the event in my instastories.

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